Our Team in Kenya & Uganda

July 22, 2024

Most of us feel like there are 101 things on our to do list and actually that very well may be the case. In the achieving, high-paced, society we live in it’s very easy to become distracted and lose perspective. However I think God reminds us over and over again in the Bible to yearn for a simpler life. A life where we love our neighbors as ourselves and put him first.

One of the Bible verses that speaks to us here at Deaf Child Hope is James 1:27. In the NIV version it reads “ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: look after the orphans and the widows in their distress and keep yourself from being polluted by the world.”

This is a big order packed into one short verse, and while this blog isn’t the best place to unpack it,  we can probably all agree that as a society we can use some improvement here. However every day we here at DCH see real and obvious examples of love in action. Everything from Deaf child sponsorships to construction or project donations, missions trips, to DCH staff who left the traditional workforce to raise their own support.

We had a team in Kenya and Uganda earlier this month. Two of the three ladies have already returned home safely and Grace (who is raising her own support to be DCH’s new Field Director), will be staying in Kenya for a few more weeks.  This team visited four different DCH partners on this one trip and took many wonderful photos. There were so many great ones it was hard to decide which ones to include here today.


A highlight of the trip though is worth bringing some additional attention to as we wrap up. We partnered with a new school in Kenya this year. They were transparent about their dire circumstances and lack of resources and we were able to get most of the children sponsored in the first few weeks, which has helped them out immensely. In addition to sponsorships, a Church in Iowa funded a construction project at the school to get a new bathroom built. We are so grateful for these funds and the people who provided them. Also for the quality construction, for the school staff that supervised this project and for the improvement in quality of care it brings to the school and all of the Deaf children that reside there.

Remember to count your blessings today and everyday and ask God how you can be a blessing to others!