Mission to Support Deaf Children in Haiti

December 9, 2016

Lisa Van Sant’s Mission to Support Deaf Children in Haiti

We here at Deaf Child Hope International always love when family’s care about the deaf children of the world. Lisa Van Sant, a compassionate mother from a small town in Iowa, shares a deep connection with the deaf community. As the mother of a deaf son and an adopted deaf daughter, Hannah, from China, Lisa brings personal experience and empathy to her work. She currently serves on the board of Deaf Child Hope International and recently traveled to Haiti to serve deaf children living in poverty.

Her visit to Centre Communautaire des Déficients (CCD), a Deaf Child Hope partner, was filled with impactful moments. One particularly heartwarming encounter highlighted the challenges and beauty of a mother’s love for her deaf child.

Mission to Support Deaf Children in Haiti. A family visiting the third world as they supported deaf children and their parents as they were desiring a better connection with their children.

A Mother’s Determination Against Cultural Beliefs

During Lisa’s visit, a mother and grandmother of a deaf girl at CCD arrived after traveling miles on a donkey to bring food for their daughter. Despite cultural misconceptions, including the belief that deafness is a curse and that Haiti itself is cursed, this mother showed unwavering love for her child.

Upon learning that Lisa also had deaf children, the mother was amazed to discover that deaf children existed outside of Haiti. This revelation was transformative for her.

Mission to Support Deaf Children in Haiti. A family visiting the third world as they supported deaf children and their parents as they were desiring a better connection with their children.

Breaking Cultural Barriers with Hope and Encouragement

Lisa took the opportunity to offer encouragement, telling the mother:

“Your daughter is a beautiful and smart child of God!”

She emphasized that being chosen by God to care for her daughter made the mother special, particularly given the love and dedication she had shown by bringing food from such a great distance.

Empowering Families with Sign Language

This meaningful exchange sparked an interest in learning sign language. The mother expressed a desire to communicate better with her daughter. In response, Lisa and fellow volunteer Patti Gardiner from Maine decided to organize a sign language basics class for interested families at CCD.

Already, five families have expressed interest, and the team looks forward to empowering more parents to connect with their deaf children.

Deaf children who are in need of love, support, and education with regard to sign language.

Lisa Van Sant is from a small town in Iowa and is the mother of a deaf son as well as an adopted deaf daughter, Hannah, from China, who is now a teenager and pictured below with Lisa in Haiti.  Lisa is a member of the board of directors of Deaf Child Hope International and she traveled to Haiti this fall to serve deaf children in poverty.  Lisa shares this story about a deaf girl living at CCD, one of our partner organizations.

If you would like to make a real difference in the life of a deaf child, learn more about Deaf Child Hope, and please visit our sponsorship page and sponsor a child today.