Oct 21-28 2025
Price: $1,700 (Price does not include: Flight, passport, visa, vaccinations, personal spending money, & meals while traveling to/from country.) Nile tour is extra.
Flight Cost: $1,000–$1,700
Max team size: 10
Application Due 7/26
During our Uganda Mission Trip you will get to visit one of Deaf Child Hopes newest partners.
About Uganda
Uganda is located in east-central Africa and is populated by dozens of different ethnic groups. The capital city of Uganda is Kampala which sits on the shoreline of Lake Victoria. From volcanos to waterfalls to swamps, Uganda has quite the diverse ecosystem. Coffee coming out of Uganda is known around the world and is a main export helping the country’s economy. Uganda’s climate stays refreshing with warm daylight hours lasting 12 hours or more due to its equatorial location and consistent cloud cover. A wonderful place to visit indeed!
What should I bring?
To pack for your trip to Uganda please bring:
For Carry-Ons:
- Passport
- Visa (if required)
- Copy of vaccination record
- Spending/emergency money
- Medication in original packaging
- A change of clothes
- Phone and charger (if desired)
- Water bottle
- Mini toiletries (in Ziploc plastic bags)
- Something to carry passport/money in (fanny pack, small purse, passport holder)
- Book (anything to do while on plane)
- Notebook/Journal – for thoughts and reflection
- Pen/Pencil
For Checked luggage:
- Shirts (nothing revealing or with obscene graphics)
- Pants (no ripped jeans; airy pants are a good option)
- Sturdy close toes shoes (for walking/working)
- Flip-flops (for shower, if desired)
- Women: long skirts for church/visiting
- Socks
- Underwear
- Pajamas
- Light jacket
- Roll of toilet paper
- Bug spray containing DEET
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Hat
- Bible
- Pen/pencil
- Portable Water Bottle
- Journal
- Shampoo / Conditioner
- Soap
- Towel
- Hairbrush
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Hand sanitizer/ wipes (baby wipes work well)
- Snacks (if desired. High protein granola bars are a good option)
- Bag/backpack for during the day