One of our initiatives at Deaf Child Hope International is: To enable the sponsor to pray for, help, and do whatever is possible to bring hope to the deaf child and his/her family.
This is why we were excited when John & Molly contacted us and asked if they could visit their sponsored deaf child, Jamie, in Jamaica. By visiting Jamie, they were “doing whatever possible to bring hope” to him. They wanted to meet him, encourage him, play with him, and let him know that they cared for him. It is hard to express how much this means to a deaf child in poverty.
A note from John & Molly:
“We started sponsoring Jamie through Deaf Child Hope International at the beginning of September. When we started looking into going away for a vacation, we had this crazy idea to visit Jamie in Jamaica. A few emails and phone calls later, and our flights were booked to meet and spend a week getting to know our little boss Jamie. Jamie is the youngest student at the school, and we were told beforehand that he has a big personality. When we first pulled up to the school and were introduced to him, he was shy, but only for a few minutes. It didn’t take long before we were getting hugs from him and the other kids, learning too many sign names to remember, and playing soccer without any shoes on. It is very unique and rewarding to meet the child whose picture is on your fridge, to see him lead grace before eating dinner, and just toss a football around with. We look forward to getting to know our little Jamie over the years as we stay in touch. And of course, we hope to visit him again soon.”
John and Molly
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A Part of Something Bigger
January 25, 2015
A Part of Something Bigger – This past summer I worked as an intern at a Christian mission in Haiti that is currently partnering with Deaf Child Hope International. I…
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