Sponsor A Deaf Child Through Our Ambassador Program

January 19, 2022

Make a BIG Difference: Sponsor a Deaf Child Through Our Ambassador Program

Did you know that Deaf Child Hope International has a dedicated Ambassador Team working to help deaf children around the world? These passionate advocates travel to raise awareness about the challenges deaf children in need of sponsorship face every day, particularly in developing countries. Last year, we presented 52 times across 7 states, directly connecting people with opportunities to sponsor a child with special needs.

Sponsor A Deaf Child Through Our Ambassador Program - quickly make a difference in the lives of children who are suffering by sponsoring today.

This year, our goal is 55 presentations – but we need your help! All it takes is an invitation. It’s that simple. Consider these opportunities:

  • Ask your pastor if they would welcome a guest speaker to discuss ways to help deaf children
  • Invite us to your Bible study, Rotary club, or business group to share about child sponsorship programs
  • Teach your children about compassion and diversity by having us speak to their children’s church or youth group about why sponsor a child
  • We’ve conducted multiple-day sessions at VBS events and would love to do so again to showcase the benefits of child sponsorship

No matter where you live, we will come to you at no cost. We provide comprehensive curriculum that highlights the impact of making a difference for deaf children. When you sponsor a deaf child (through a $38 monthly financial gift), they receive direct correspondence from their sponsor through our letter-writing program.

Supporting Deaf Children Globally

The child pictured here lives in Kenya and currently doesn’t have a sponsorship. In the past, this meant she didn’t receive mail when her peers did. Through our “You’ve Got Mail” program, anyone can write or draw pictures for a deaf child in developing countries. Your letter could reach one of ten countries and bring love and hope to a child who desperately needs connection.

Our DCH Ambassador Team primarily raises awareness about the struggles faced by children living without language across the globe. Our team is committed to being part of the solution to a problem affecting approximately 25 million deaf children in need of sponsorship globally.

How You Can Help Support Education for Deaf Children

Most people want to make the world a better place, but often wonder how. While we can’t single-handedly eradicate disease, famine, or poverty, we can each do our part. Just as you might recycle or donate used items instead of throwing them away, you can be part of the solution for deaf children in need.

At DCH, we’ve committed to aiding deaf children living in poverty, but we unquestionably need help. Through prayer, child sponsorship for deaf children, mission trips, financial partnerships, and Ambassador visits, we can make a significant impact together.

children in africa at a school for deaf children - Sponsor A Deaf Child Through Our Ambassador Program -

Never underestimate what one conversation can accomplish or how sponsoring a child in developing countries can transform a life. Invite our ambassadors to speak today – simply call 402-982-9379 or email [email protected] to schedule a date.

Join our charity for deaf children and help create lasting change!

God Bless! Deaf Child Hope International