Bringing HOPE In Memory of Marisol for Giving Tuesday

November 17, 2023

Marisol’s Story: Why Medical Care for Deaf Children Living in Poverty Matters

Around the world, deaf children living in poverty face challenges that extend far beyond communication barriers. Access to quality medical care, education, and basic resources is often limited, putting their lives at risk. One such story is that of Marisol, a young girl from Mexico whose life was tragically cut short due to a lack of medical access.

A Preventable Tragedy

Marisol attended a special school for deaf children—one of Deaf Child Hope’s partner locations in Mexico. This school provided her with the chance to learn sign language and connect with a supportive community. However, when Marisol developed kidney complications, her family could not afford the medical care she urgently needed.

Had Marisol been born just 10 miles north, across the border in the United States, she likely would have received life-saving treatment. While the school worked tirelessly to raise funds for her surgery in Texas, Marisol tragically passed away before the procedure could take place.

This heartbreaking loss serves as a reminder of the critical need for medical care for deaf children in poverty. Deaf children often cannot express their medical needs due to communication barriers, which increases their vulnerability when illnesses arise.

Honoring Marisol: The Marisol Memorial Medical Care Fund

After Marisol’s passing, Deaf Child Hope helped her family secure a gravesite in a private cemetery. In many parts of Mexico, public cemetery remains are removed after 10 years. Thanks to community support, Marisol’s resting place remains a permanent memorial, where loved ones can visit.

To honor her legacy, Deaf Child Hope established the Marisol Memorial Medical Care Fund (MMMCF). This fund ensures that other deaf children facing medical emergencies have access to life-saving care when they need it most. The MMMCF has already helped provide critical care to deaf children at partner locations, ensuring that Marisol’s story leads to hope and healing for others.

How You Can Help on Giving Tuesday

Every Giving Tuesday, on November 28th, Deaf Child Hope International highlights a new cause. This year, Deaf Child Hope is highlighting the Marisol Memorial Medical Care Fund. With your support, we can ensure that no more deaf children lose their lives simply because they lack access to medical care.

Your donation can help provide:

  • Emergency medical treatments for deaf children in poverty
  • Access to specialized healthcare services
  • Ongoing medical checkups and preventive care
  • Language support to ensure deaf children can communicate their needs

Or, instead of donating, you can also sponsor a deaf child, helping provide not only educational opportunities but also access to critical healthcare. Sponsorship ensures another child is provided for.

Your Generosity Brings Hope

Marisol’s story is a powerful reminder that with the right support at the right time, lives can be saved. On this Giving Tuesday, let’s come together to ensure that deaf children living in poverty have access to the medical care, education, and resources they deserve.